
On behalf of the local organizing committee of the 13th International Congress of Human Genetics in 2016 (ICHG2016), we are pleased to invite you to Kyoto, Japan. ICHG meeting has been held every 5 years since 1956, starting from Copenhagen, Denmark. The last meeting was successfully organized in Montreal in 2011, hosted by the American Society of Human Genetics. The ICHG2016 meeting will be the first to be held in Asia in its history, hosted by the East-Asian Union of Human Genetic Societies (EAUHGS) in conjunction with the Japan Society of Human Genetics. Recent spectacular advancement in the technologies of genome analyses including next generation sequencing and in the informatics of huge data including genome sequences and medical information, are bringing exceptional opportunities for better understanding our human genome and diseases, and, furthermore, for developing more efficacious treatment for diseases. We are planning to have many exciting scientific sessions in all the fields of human genetics. ICHG2016 will be an exciting opportunity to share latest development in human genetics and discuss the future of human genetics.

Kyoto was an ancient capital of Japan. There are numerous historic temples and shrines. You will have a firsthand glimpse of traditional townscape and centuries-old culture, apart from enjoying gourmet cuisine. Early April is one of the best seasons to visit Kyoto when you can enjoy pleasant, moderate weather and beautiful cherry blossom flowers in full bloom all over the city. We sincerely look forward to seeing you at ICHG2016 in Kyoto.

Honorary Congress President

The late Ichiro Kanazawa
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo

Ichiro Kanazawa

Congress Presidents

Shoji Tsuji
Co-President of ICHG 2016
Professor, The University of Tokyo

Shoji Tsuji

Yoshimitsu Fukushima
Co-President of ICHG 2016
Past President of Japan Society of Human Genetics
Professor, Shinshu University

Yoshimitsu Fukushima

Yoichi Matsubara
Co-President of ICHG 2016
President of Japan Society of Human Genetics
Director, National Research Institute for Child Health and Development
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University

Yoichi Matsubara